Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Let us continue to pray for peace, love and the reign of Christ, the True King

Hello from Father Michael, Deacon Vince, Sister Kathleen, Danielle and the Parish Office!

We remember our saints and souls in November

The parish November Remembrance book is in the foyers of our two churches. If you'd like to record the name of a deceased family member or friend, you are welcome to do so. Throughout November, we pray specifically at our Masses or everyone whose name is in the book or who has been recorded in previous years.

If you would like Father Michael to offer a Mass for someone who has died, please collect an offering envelope from the foyer of the churches or contact the Parish Office.

The Parish Christmas Party will be held on Friday, 8 December, at St Jude's school

The party will start at 5.30pm. Register using the sheets in the church foyers or email the parish office.

The Second Rite of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Wednesday, 13 December, at St John Vianney church

The Rite will be celebrated at 7pm, with parishioners from North Woden and South Woden joining us.

The Parish Video Prayer Circle 

The Circle is a project in which parishioners get together after a weekday Mass and join in several prayers. We film the session and send the video to parishioners who are homebound or in care. The aim is to let them be back in the church and back with the community for a little while.

If you have a relative or friend who might be interested in trying the Circle, let them know and contact the office with their email address or mobile number. It's absolutely a no obligation trial!

Forgiven, Fed and Fearless! Our Parish Sacramental Programmes for 2024 are open for registrations

All three Sacramental Programmes have been launched but it's not too late to register.

First Reconciliation is available to baptised Catholic children who will be in Year 3 or up in 2024.

First Eucharist is available to baptised Catholic children who have received First Reconciliation and will be in Year 4 or up in 2024. 

Confirmation is available to baptised Catholic children who have receive First Reconciliation and First Eucharist and will be in Year 6 or up in 2024.

To register, start at the appropriate Sacramental tab on this page. Registration uses the Qkr! App by Mastercard. 

If you have a family member who's eligible for their Sacrament, or you have friends with an eligible child, please let them know that registration is open. Be a messenger and carry the news!