Monday, 2 September 2013

Rosters for weekend 7/8 September 2013

St John Vianney Church 7 September 2013
                                        6.00pm Vigil
Audio Visual operator:
No singing
Mary Mullamphy & Annie Hedditch.
SM of C:
Keith & Eula McLaughlin;
Ray Reinholtz.
Altar Servers:
Amy & Anthony Thomas;
Billy Clark
Communion to the Sick:
 from St Jude’s 9.00am
Rose Trevethan, Vanessa Whelan;
Evelyn Rollings.
Burrangiri Respite Care:
Vanessa Whelan.
Church Cleaning: B:
(5.45pm Friday unless
other arrangements
with the presbytery)
Lee                  6288 7629
Lysewycz         6287 1831
Caddey            6287 3105
Parsons           6288 9510
Hoban              6287 5767
                          St Jude’s Church 8th September 2013
                                         9.00am Mass
Audio Visual operator:
Mixed Choir.
Joe Altin & Helen Maybin.
SM of C:
Nina DiPlacido.
Altar Servers:
Sophie & Georgia Riley;
Madeline Maguire.
Mike Lyons
Mirinjani Nursing Home:
Kathy Bretz/Margaret Wylks;
Nev Taylor/ Alicia Peterson.
Jacqui Watts/ Melda Plenty.
Communion to the
Sick in the home:
Ray Finnegan.
Church Cleaning
Group C:
C Hibberson; R Hibberson;
T Jurd; P Scerri.