Monday, 19 February 2024

The time has come and the kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent and believe the Good News!

Hello from Father Michael, Deacon Vince, Sister Kathleen, Danielle and the Parish Office!

Stations of the Cross start at St Jude church this Friday at 7pm

Stations will alternate between St John Vianney church and St Jude church:

St John Vianney: 1 March, 15 March

St Jude: 23 February, 8 March

The Lenten Reflection sessions are held each Thursday afternoon

Join Father Michael in the St John Vianney downstairs meeting room at 4pm to explore the meaning of Lent through the Pieta Lenten book. 

Father Michael's talk on making the most of your Missal will be this weekend

Father will speak after the 5pm Saturday Mass, 5pm Sunday Mass and the 9am Sunday Mass about how to use your Missal and draw out its treasures.

The Second Rite of Reconciliation will be on Tuesday, 19 March

Sacred Heart church, Pearce, will be hosting the Rite for parishioners in Weston Creek/Molonglo, South Woden and North Woden. It will start at 6pm, after the 5.30pm parish Mass (to which you are invited).

Just a reminder that Father Michael does not hear Confessions on Good Friday or Easter Saturday because we should attend the Second Rite.  

Registration for First Reconciliation has now closed.

The First Eucharist and Confirmation progammes are still open. 

First Eucharist is available to baptised Catholic children who have received First Reconciliation and will be in Year 4 or up in 2024. 

Confirmation is available to baptised Catholic children who have receive First Reconciliation and First Eucharist and will be in Year 6 or up in 2024.

To register, start at the appropriate Sacramental tab on this page. Registration uses the Qkr! App by Mastercard. 

If you have a family member who's eligible for their Sacrament, or you have friends with an eligible child, please let them know that registration is open. Be a messenger and carry the news!

Father Michael's new book is on its way

Father's book, Who am I in God?, will soon be available to buy.

The book examines our encounter with Jesus, where accepting His Lordship in our lives takes nothing away from our humanity - in fact, the encounter fulfils it. To be fully Christian is to be fully human. The book combines a guide to the Church's teaching with personal testimony of the joys and struggles of embracing their faith.

The book will be priced in the near future, so for now you are invited to offer a no obligation expression of interest. There are sheets in the foyers of the churches or you can email the parish office at with your name, phone number and the number of books you are interested in. Once again, this is a no obligation process!

The Parish Video Prayer Circle is now on YouTube

The Circle is a project in which parishioners come together after a weekday Mass and join in several prayers. We film the session and send the video to parishioners who are homebound or in care. The aim is to let them be back in the church and back with the community for a little while.

All of the videos we've recorded so far are now on YouTube. Just search for "Parish of Our Lady of the Annunciation Weston Creek" and you'll find our channel. If you'd like to receive automatic updates as we load new material, just subscribe to the channel using the bell icon, and select "all".

If you have a relative or friend who might be interested in trying the Circle, let them know about the channel. It's absolutely a no obligation trial!