Monday, 11 March 2013

Roster for Weekend 16/17 March 2013

St John Vianney Church 16 March 2013
                                        6.00pm Vigil Mass
Audio Visual operator:
John Rochford.
Cathy & Ellie Schneider.
SM of C:
Melda Plenty; Pauline McNamara;
Neville Webb.
Altar Servers:
Edward & Nathan Angus;
Nathan Anthony.
Communion to the Sick:
 from St Jude’s 9.00am
Evelyn  Rollings & Shirley Llorens.
Church Cleaning: F:
(5.45pm Friday unless
other arrangements
with the presbytery)
McNamara       6288 7876
Trevethan        6288 1108
Galloway         0422 617 037
Corson            6288 7507
                          St Jude’s Church 17 March 2013     
                                         9.00am Mass
Audio Visual operator:
Men’s choir.
Barbara Hitchenson & Jenny Isbel.
SM of C:
Margaret Marris.
Altar Servers:
Lucy & James Bolton;
Georgia Graney.
Phil Power & Leigh Schneider
Mirinjani Nursing Home:
Rod Mackay/ Janine Fairburn; Geraldine Lawler; Leeann Galloway; Lyn Mernagh/ Donna-Ann Philippa; Elizabeth Cox/ Michael Green.
Self care/Eabrai:
Rosemary Burke/ Jacqui Watts; Lionel Barrett/ Margaret Donelly
Communion to the
Sick in the home:
Ray Finnegan.
Church Cleaning
Group B:
M Marris, N Philippa, B Silinis,
H & M Lyons; Vanessa Whelan.