Monday, 27 January 2014

Rosters for weekend 1/2 February 2014

                          St Jude’s Church 1/2 February 2014     
                                         6.00pm Vigil Mass
Audio Visual operator:
Cathy Schneider
Leigh Schneider & Neville Webb.
SM of C:
Leigh Greenhalgh.
Altar Servers:
Volunteers (school Holidays).
John Andrew & Ray Finnegan.
Mirinjani Nursing Home:
Leave from SVJ 9.00am Mass
Lyn Mernagh/ John Moloney;
Alicia Peterson/Donna Philippa.
Hostel /Self-Care/Eabrai:
John Reid/ Melda Plenty.
Communion to the
Sick in the home:
Ray Finnegan.
Church Cleaning
Group H:
G Lawler; P Muttukumaru; M Bull;
G Treverrow; R Mackay; R Burke.
St John Vianney Church 1/2 February 2014

9.00am Mass
Audio Visual operator:
Men’s Choir
Maureen Daley & Susan Chant.
Keith & Eula McLaughlin;
Maureen McGrath.
Altar Servers:
Volunteers (School Holidays)
Communion to the Sick:
In the home leave from 9.00am Mass
Alma Armstrong & Mary Watts
Burrangiri/Home 3
Jeff LeFaucheur.
Church Cleaning: G:
(5.45pm Friday unless other
arrangements with the presbytery)
Lee                   6288 7629
Hoban              6287 5767
Reinholtz          6288 4804
Enriquez          0416 889 087