As a result of the pandemic we are rapidly moving towards a cashless society. Qkr can help you avoid handling cash, and also manage your contributions to the parish, by being a substitute for your wallet. Instead of getting cash out, you can use Qkr! on your mobile phone to make a payment from your account with a Visa or Mastercard debit or credit card. If you don't have a smart phone you can set up Qkr! on your computer at Qkr for your computer  Qkr! is a free app on your smart phone that you download from the appstore for iphone or google play for android. It takes moments to download and only a few minutes in total to set up on your phone. This is the first screen you'll see. To get started, press "Install".
       This screen asks you to sign up.      The next screen asks you to log into the app.      You will need to give location permission to allow your phone to find our parish. Press "Allow".     
Now you select our parish from the list of parishes and schools that use Qkr. Look for our name and logo, or there's a search tool if you need it.      Your details are kept in a "profile". This screen asks you to create a profile. After you create your profile, you'll be asked whether you want to create another profile for another name. You can have one family profile, or different profiles if your family uses more than one surname, or individual profiles, as you prefer: you have control over your choices.      When you've created the profile(s) you want, you're asked whether you want to enter your payment details. If you don't want to do that at this stage, Qkr will ask you for the details again when you're making an actual payment (which could be in the middle of Mass!)      AND THAT'S IT FOR JOINING Qkr! The next screen will give you a payments menu if you want to make a payment right away, or you can close the app and come back to it later.     
Now ... how does it work in practice?     
When you get your phone out to make a payment, select the Qkr icon and then it will show you the list of parishes and schools you saw earlier. Our parish will be at the top of the list. Select the parish by tapping the logo.
The pament menu asks you to select which collection or service you want to make a payment to.     "CLERGY" is the first collection.    
"PARISH" is the second collection.    
Other collections and services are identified by name.     
Each payment choice will operate roughly the same way. We'll use "Clergy" as the example. 
Each of your profiles is at the top of the screen. Select the profile you want to use and then tap "Our Clergy". The app will not move on unless you've selected a profile. 

    Tapping on the clergy again will take you to the page where you select what you wish to pay. There is a placeholder amount but the choice is yours.
You then choose add to cart and follow the prompts to make your payment.

 For the 2nd collection you select the parish tab and again nominate a profile.     Following the same steps as you used for the first collection, on the bottom of the page where you select the amount you wish to give, there is the opportunity to enter your Planned Giving envelope number so the office can record your giving.      You are able to choose to register for a child's baptism on the Tab across the top of the Planned Giving Page.     After selecting baptism you will be taken to another page where you can input the data required by the parish for a baptism
 All your payment receipts are kept easily accessible when you are logged in.
The other Sacraments follow the same procedure as Baptism. However please note for all Sacraments you can only do one Sacrament for one child at a time otherwise the first entries will be lost in the ether.