The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a faith process for children of 3-12 years of age.
It has its foundation in the Montessori method and sessions occur in a specially prepared children’s prayer space called an atrium.
❖ Level 1 sessions for ages 3-6 years are currently running on Saturday's from 2 - 4pm during school term.
❖ Level 2: 6-9 years is expected to re-commence in 2025.
❖ Venue: Our
Lady of the Annunciation Atrium, St John Vianney’s School,
❖ Level 3: 9-12 years is not running in 2025.
❖ Parent & Adult catechist and helpers invited.
❖ Parent contribution: 1st child in family - $200/term; 2nd child-$150/term; 3rd child onwards -$100/term,
enrolment by term.
❖ Group size is limited and there is currently a waitlist.
To join the level 1 or level 2 waiting list, or if you have any questions, please email us at