Saturday, 24 December 2022

Today in the town of David a saviour has been born to us. He is Christ the Lord.

Father Michael, Deacon Vince, Sister Kathleen and the Parish Office wish you all a holy, happy and safe Christmas and New Year

Are you visiting for the Christmas Season?

Welcome! It's our joy and privilege to share this time with you.

We have two churches in our parish:

St John Vianney Church, 87 Namatjira Drive, Waramanga

St Jude Church, 55 Mulley Street, Holder

As well as our Christmas and New Year Masses, you'll find our weekday Mass timetable to the right on this page.

Our Christmas and New Year Mass timetable

Saturday, 24 December

Family and Children Masses at 5pm at both St John Vianney Church and St Jude Church

(Sorry, no Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament before Mass)

Carols at 8.30pm at St Jude Church

Mass at 9pm at St Jude Church

No Midnight Mass

Christmas Day

Carols at 8.30am at St John Vianney Church

Mass at 9am at St John Vianney Church

No 5pm Mass

Saturday, 31 December

Mass at 5pm at St Jude Church 

(Sorry, no Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament before Mass)

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Rosary at 11pm at St Jude Church

Midnight Mass at St Jude Church

New Year's Day

Mass at 9am at St John Vianney Church

No 5pm Mass at St Jude Church

Our Reconciliation timetable (replacing the times shown to the right)

The Sacrament of Reconciliation will not be available on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

The Sacrament will be available:

from 4pm to 4.45pm, before the 5pm Mass at St Jude Church on New Year's Eve; and

from 8am to 8.45am, before the 9am Mass at St John Vianney Church on New Year's Day.

The Parish Funeral Booklet Planning Kit is now available

Display copies are in the foyer of each church, and kits are supplied on demand. If you'd like a copy, please put your name on the sign-up sheet in the foyer or email the Office ( Please identify whether you'd like to:

pick up a hard copy from the church you nominate; or

receive the kit by email; or

have the kit delivered to you; or

pick up the kit on a USB from the church you nominate.

Monday, 19 December 2022

The King of Glory is coming! Let the nations rejoice!


Hello from Father Michael, Deacon Vince, Sister Kathleen and the Parish Office

Are you visiting for the Christmas Season?

Welcome! It's our joy and privilege to share this time with you.

We have two churches in our parish:

St John Vianney Church, 87 Namatjira Drive, Waramanga

St Jude Church, 55 Mulley Street, Holder

As well as our Christmas and New Year Masses, you'll find our weekday Mass timetable to the right on this page.

Our Christmas and New Year Mass timetable

Saturday, 24 December

Family and Children Masses at 5pm at both St John Vianney Church and St Jude Church

(Sorry, no Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament before Mass)

Carols at 8.30pm at St Jude Church

Mass at 9pm at St Jude Church

No Midnight Mass

Christmas Day

Carols at 8.30am at St John Vianney Church

Mass at 9am at St John Vianney Church

No 5pm Mass

Saturday, 31 December

Mass at 5pm at St Jude Church 

(Sorry, no Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament before Mass)

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Rosary at 11pm at St Jude Church

Midnight Mass at St Jude Church

New Year's Day

Mass at 9am at St John Vianney Church

No 5pm Mass

Our Reconciliation timetable (replacing the times shown to the right)

The Sacrament of Reconciliation will not be available on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

The Sacrament will be available:

from 4pm to 4.45pm, before the 5pm Mass at St Jude Church on New Year's Eve; and

from 8am to 8.45am, before the 9am Mass at St John Vianney Church on New Year's Day.

The Parish Funeral Booklet Planning Kit is now available

Display copies are in the foyer of each church, and kits are supplied on demand. If you'd like a copy, please put your name on the sign-up sheet in the foyer or email the Office ( Please identify whether you'd like to:

pick up a hard copy from the church you nominate; or

receive the kit by email; or

have the kit delivered to you; or

pick up the kit on a USB from the church you nominate.