Monday, 9 April 2012

Rosters for weekend of 14/15 April 2012

         St John Vianney Church 15 April 2012
                                        10.00am Mass
Audio Visual operator:
Mixed Choir.
Michelle Atkinson.
SM of C:
Martin and Janet Van Lith;
Anne Nolan.
Altar Servers:
Communion to the Sick:
 from St Jude’s 8.30
Margot McDonnell & Tim McNamara
Church Cleaning: E
(5.45pm Friday unless
other arrangements
with the presbytery)
Don                  6288 6639
McNamara       6288 7876
Trevethan        6288 1108
Schurmann      6288 0938
                          St Jude’s Church 14/15 April 2012   
                  7.30pm Vigil Mass this week only
Audio Visual operator:
Molly Taylor.
Terry Plenty & Bob Cousins.
SM of C:
Leigh Greenhalgh.
Altar Servers:
John Andrew & Volunteer.
                                         8.30am Mass   
Audio Visual operator:
John Rochford.
Julie Abbey & Maureen Lewis.
SM of C:
Noreen Dick.
Altar Servers:
Denis Wylks & Phil Perkins.
Mirinjani Nursing Home:
Lionel Barrett & Rosemary Burke.
Self care/Eabrai:
Robyn Lewis.
Communion to the
Sick in the home:
Ray Finnegan.
Church Cleaning
Group B:
M Marris, N Philippa, B Silinis,
H & M Lyons.