Monday, 7 April 2014

Rosters for weekend 12/13 April 2014

                          St Jude’s Church 12 April 2014   
                                          6.00pm Vigil
Audio Visual operator:
Mixed Choir.
Jenny Isbel & John Reid.
SM of C:
Not required.
Altar Servers:
Sophie & Georgia Riley;
Anna Moore.
Mike Lyons & John Watts.
Mirinjani Nursing Home: leave from SJVW 9.00am Mass
Geraldine Lawler/Rod Mackay;
Margaret Marris/Lyn Mernagh.
Kathy Bretz/Alicia Peterson.
Communion to the
Sick in the home:
Ray Finnegan.
Church Cleaning
Group I:
Cook Family.
St John Vianney Church 13 April 2014
                                        9.00am Mass
Audio Visual operator:
Men’s Choir.
Maria Noronha & Barbara Hitchenson
SM of C:
Margaret Marris; Lyn Mernagh;
Ron Hibberson
Altar Servers:
Sarah Chant; Dillon Morris.
Communion to the Sick:
Home 2
Leave from SJVW 9.00am Mass
Ray Reinholtz.
Evelyn Rollings.
Burrangiri/home 3:
Chris Bird.
Church Cleaning: A:
(5.45pm Friday unless
other arrangements
with the presbytery)
NCW Community 2
Hibberson  R&C         6288 8709
Bowman B&M           0416483171
Gonzales J&J          6288 1899
Scerri J                    6288 9868