Monday, 28 January 2013

Roster for Weekend 2/3 February 2013

St John Vianney Church 2 February 2013
                                        6.00pm Vigil Mass
Audio Visual operator:
Mary Mullamphy’s Group
Philippa Brearley & Coleen Caddey.
SM of C:
Neville Webb; Maureen McGrath;
Nina DiPlacido.
Altar Servers:
Hamish & Edward Angus;
Nathan Anthony
Communion to the Sick:
 from St Jude’s 9.00am
Janet Van Lith & Chris Bird.
Church Cleaning: H:
(5.45pm Friday unless
other arrangements
with the presbytery)
Scollen             6288 7182
Hoban              6287 5767
Lee                   6288 7629
Reinholtz          6288 4804
                          St Jude’s Church 3 February 2013     
                                         9.00am Mass
Audio Visual operator:
John Rochford.
Barbara Hitchenson & Jenny Isbel.
SM of C:
Rosemary Burke.
Altar Servers:
Lucy & James Bolton;
Georgia Graney
Phil Power & Leigh Schneider.
Mirinjani Nursing Home:
Margaret Marris & Margaret Wylks.
Self care/Eabrai:
Melda Plenty.
Communion to the
Sick in the home:
Ray Finnegan.
Church Cleaning
Group D:
B Boland, M Plenty, M Murray,
K Boland, M Boland, J Isbel.