Saturday, 26 August 2023

The Year of the Holy Spirit is here! Let's open our hearts, ready to deepen our faith.

Hello from Father Michael, Deacon Vince, Sister Kathleen, Danielle and the Parish Office.

Confirmation 2023: What a night!

Congratulations to our 42 Confirmation families after Archbishop Prowse led us in Mass last Wednesday. It was a memorable night, filled with joy and celebration. Let us pray with the Archbishop that Confirmation is never an end - only a beginning.

Father Michael would like to thank the schools (especially Brigitta and Laura), Tim from the Faith & Life Centre, Cathy and Danielle, and the League of Minions, for all their work to bring the Sacramental journey to such a special place.

The Year of the Holy Spirit

Archbishop Prowse inaugurated the Year of the Holy Spirit in the Archdiocese on 19 August. 

His homily is available in this week's bulletin. It refers to the resources which are available, and to come, to help us open ourselves to the grace of the Holy Spirit. Father Michael urges you to visit the Archdiocese website regularly to keep in touch with what's available and what's happening (

Fundraising for the statues of Our Lady has been completed!

Father Michael wishes to thank everybody who has donated for the encasement of the statues. Thanks to some wonderful generosity, the cost has been covered! The process of placing and protecting the statues will now start.

God's Word 2024: The special offer is closing this week

God's Word 2024 can be ordered now for the discounted price of $17 until 31 August. 

You can use the Qkr! App.

Or place $17 in an envelope, write “God’s Word” on the envelope, and place the envelope in the second collection bag or visit the parish office during business hours. Please write the church you wish to collect the book from!

The Father’s Day Appeal for Retired Clergy is now open

Your support will help the Clergy Retirement Foundation to care for our retired priests. Donations can be made through the Qkr! App.

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

This week, we’re praying with our 43 Confirmation candidates and their families as they prepare for their Mass on Wednesday night. May the Lord bless them and the Holy Spirit inspire them!

Hello from Father Michael, Deacon Vince, Sister Kathleen, Danielle and the Parish Office.


The Father’s Day Appeal for Retired Clergy is now open

Your support will help the Clergy Retirement Foundation to care for our retired priests. Donations can be made through the Qkr! App.


Parish finances update

Father Michael would like to thank everyone who has reviewed their giving to the parish, and particularly thanks those who have been able to update their contributions. Our negative income has not yet been stabilised but your generosity has made a very welcome start.

In response to inquiries from parishioners, the first collection at our Masses supports the needs of the Archdiocese, including supporting our priests. 30% of each Tap And Go donation also supports the Archdiocese. The second collection stays in the parish, along with 70% of Tap And Go donations.


God’s Word 2024 is now available to order

Next year’s edition can be pre-ordered for the discount price of $17 but the offer ends on 31 August

You can use the Qkr! App.

Or place $17 in an envelope, write “God’s Word” on the envelope, and place the envelope in the second collection bag or visit the parish office during business hours. Please write the church you wish to collect the book from!