Monday 13 May 2024

We're praying for God's blessings on all mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers this week

Hello from Father Michael, Deacon Vince, Sister Kathleen, Danielle and the Parish Office!

(and it's nice to be back with you, after some technical issues)

We welcome and acknowledge our partner community of St Alphonsa Parish

We're now two parishes sharing a church and a mission!

The Syro-Malabar community of St Alphonsa Parish officially joined us on 1 May to become a new member of our faith family and a partner at St Jude church. 

The parish priest, Father Binesh Narimattathil, is living in the presbytery next to St Jude church. We ask you for your prayers and support for our new family.

Our Latin Rite Masses at St Jude church will continue under the timetable you're familiar with, and the Syro-Malabar Rite services will be conducted at these times:

Sunday: Mass and Catechism, 8.30am - 1pm and 6.15pm - 7.30pm

Monday: Mass, 5.45pm - 7.15pm

Tuesday: Mass and Novena: 5.45pm - 7.15pm

Wednesday: Mass, 5.45pm - 7.15pm

Thursday: Mass and Novena, 5.45pm - 7.15pm

Friday: Mass and Adoration, 5.45pm - 7.30pm

Saturday: Mass and Novena, 9.15am - 10.30am

Father Michael is at the Clergy Assembly from Monday afternoon to Thursday afternoon

Our grateful thanks go to Father Kevin Brannelly and Deacon Vince, for leading us in worship while Father Michael is away. Deacon Vince will lead a Communion Service on Tuesday morning and Father Brannelly will offer Mass at the usual times on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

The Confirmation Sacramental programme is still open, but First Reconciliation and First Eucharist have closed for 2024

Confirmation is available to baptised Catholic children who have receive First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, and who will be in Year 6 or up in 2024.

To register, start at the Sacramental tab on this page. Registration uses the Qkr! App by Mastercard. 

If you have a family member who's eligible for Confirmation, or you have friends with an eligible child, please let them know that registration is open. Be a messenger and carry the news!

Our next Rosary in the Home will be on 15 May 

The Stawski family will lead the Rosary at their home, 67 Warragamba Avenue, Duffy, on Wednesday, 15 May, at 7pm.

The Great St Jude's Key Hunt is now on!

Might you have a St Jude's church key in your home which you no longer use? Maybe you had it as part of a past ministry but it never made its way back?

We're trying to find a few keys which have gone wandering over time and bring them home. If you do have a key you're not using, please email the parish office with the number located on the back of the key at the bottom ( Thanks for your help!

The Parish Video Prayer Circle is now on YouTube

The Circle is a project in which we film sessions of prayer or music and make the videos available to parishioners who are homebound or in care. The aim is to let them be back in the church and back with their community for a little while.

All of the videos we've recorded so far are now on YouTube. Just search for "Parish of Our Lady of the Annunciation Weston Creek" and you'll find our channel. If you'd like to receive automatic updates as we load new material, just subscribe to the channel using the bell icon, and select "all".

If you have a relative or friend who might be interested in trying the Circle, let them know about the channel. It's absolutely a no obligation trial!