Tuesday 25 April 2023

This week, let us remember and pray for our defence and peacekeeping personnel, past and present. We thank you all for your service.

Our hope is called Jesus. He is alive and evil has no more power over Him. Failure cannot prevent us from beginning again, and death becomes the passage to the beginning of a new life.

Pope Francis (on Twitter)

Hello from Father Michael, Deacon Vince Barclay, Sister Kathleen Keenan and the Parish Office

Let us pray for Father Michael as he makes his pilgrimage along the Camino Way.

Project Compassion contributions

Please return your box or envelopes as soon as possible, by putting them into the collection bag or handing them to the acolyte before or after weekend Mass. Thank you.

Good Shepherd Sunday, 29-30 April

This weekend includes the Good Shepherd Sunday appeal for the formation of our Seminarians. We draw to your attention the Archbishop's request for your generous support:

In a special way this weekend, we give thanks for the vocations that have sprung from our own communities – those young men whose families and lives are planted in our local parishes and who, God willing, will return as ordained priests to serve here.
Please give a generous donation today or begin a monthly donation to support the education of our seminarians.  Special envelopes are provided in your parish, or donations can be made online at bit.ly/goodshepherd2023

Please remember in your prayers Father Bob Maguire and all those who have asked us for our support this week.