Hello from Father Michael and the Parish team.
There are difficult times when life seems to belie faith. It's precisely then that we rediscover the Lord's heart. In those situations, Jesus doesn't perform earth-shattering miracles, but instead offers us heartwarming signs of mercy. He comforts us by offering us his wounds.
Pope Francis, on Twitter.
Project Compassion
Thank you to everyone who has donated. Your generosity will truly make a difference for so many people. There's still time to return your box or envelopes via the collection bags at Mass or by giving them to Father Michael or the acolyte before or after Mass.
Overnight Adoration in the Chapel, 7-8 May
Adoration in the Chapel at St John Vianney Church will start at 9.00pm on Saturday 7 May and will end at 8.00am on the Sunday. A roster with time slots is available in the foyers of both churches.
59th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 8 May (Good Shepherd Sunday)
The Day of Prayer is part of fulfilling Jesus' instruction to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send labourers into his harvest. This Sunday, the Church concentrates its prayers and attention on vocations to the ordained ministries of priests and deacons, to consecrated life in all its forms, to secular institutes, and to missionary life. Please pray that our Archdiocese of Canberra-Goulburn will be blessed with an increase in all vocations.
Lectio Divina with Father Michael, 24 May
Lectio Divina is an ancient way of reading and praying Holy Scripture, where we enter into God's revelation through the Word. Father Michael will give a talk about it at the St John Vianney meeting room on Tuesday 24 May at 7.00pm.
Eucharistic enrolments
First Eucharist has opened for baptised Catholic children in Year 4 and up who have made their First Reconciliation. Please register by noon on Thursday 12 May so that all the information can be given to the coordinators before the Commitment Mass on 15 May. Details of the Eucharist programme can be viewed via the tab First Eucharist in the Parish above.
Please remember to keep praying for peace in Ukraine and around the world.