Friday, 13 January 2012

next week's roster 21/22 January 2012

St John Vianney Church 22 January 2012
                                        10.00am Mass
Audio Visual operator:
No music
Fran D’Castro.
SM of C:
Martin & Janet Van Lith;
Peter Frazer.
Altar Servers:
Volunteers (school Holidays)
Communion to the Sick:
 from St Jude’s 8.30
Margot McDonnell & Evelyn Rollings
Church Cleaning: C:
(5.45pm Friday unless
other arrangements
with the presbytery)
Frazer              6288 4324
Lewis              6288 0750
Rososinski       6288 8259
Webb               6288 5874
                          St Jude’s Church 21/22 January 2012     
                                          6.00pm Vigil
Audio Visual operator:
No music
Bob Cousins & Philippa Brearley.
SM of C:
May Gibbon.
Altar Servers:
Volunteers (school Holidays)
John Watts & Phil Power.
                                         8.30am Mass   
Audio Visual operator:
John Rochford.
Joe Altin & Myrna Stinziani.
SM of C:
Margaret Wylks.
Altar Servers:
Volunteers (school Holidays)
Leigh Schneider & Mike Lyons.
Mirinjani Nursing Home:
Ron Hibberson & Robyn Lewis.
Self care/Eabrai:
Lionel Barrett.
Communion to the
Sick in the home:
Ray Finnegan
Church Cleaning
Group F:
J & L Riley, J & M Bolton.